Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wherefore art thou, Floyd Landis

Well, it's time to say, Floyd needs to put up or shut up. No more fake excuses, no more supposed guessing about whiskey and beer. Look Floyd, if you did it, face it like a man. If you did not, then fight it for real, like your former boss Lance would have.

I have no problem believing that Landis was sabotaged somehow. Let's face it, the drug testing program in sports is joke and the lab that originally found Landis' abnormal result is, at best, terrible with protocols, at worst a sham lab that would try to hurt an American (they tried with Lance) by any means possible. It is not really believable that Landis would take steroids for one stage of a race, they do not work that way. But it is completely believable that he is just an idiot athlete who got bad counsel that he could take the steroid, get a short term benefit and not get caught. I am pretty sure he is not a brain wizard or he would not be riding 20,000 kilometers to prepare for a 20 day race. That, most intelligent people would agree, is just stupid. Sorry Lance.

I suspect Floyd got something that caused this test, perhaps through another unknown source. Could have been a massage cream, drink, shot for his hip, whatever. Could have even be something that the Tour had approved. I heard a commentator claim that they take testosterone patches used to dispense testosterone around the clock to patients, and put them on for a couple of hours to supposedly get a benefit. Could he have done this?

Anyhow, if he is guilty, Floyd must admit it and take his medicine like a man. If he continues to maintain his innocence, I will believe him, but based on the commentaries I have read in various papers from around the world, no one else will. At the end of the day, the cycling bodies in the US and the world athletic congress will make the ultimate decision.

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