Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ba Ba Barry have you any 'roids

I have to cry for Barfy (Barry) Bonds. If you know me, I am an Oakland A fan. Bonds and his SF Giants were playing the A's today and his knee acted up and he had to leave the game in the first inning. WAAAA. I am so sorry that cheats like Bonds, Mark McGuire, Bret Boone, Jason Giambi,Gary Sheffield and all those other steroid shooting jerkoffs had to stop taking the 'roids and their bodies ended up falling apart. My wife had an excellent point, Bonds is probably going to use his knee as a reason to quietly retire rather than facing the appropriate questions regarding most of his homers, which were hit while he was cheating. C'mon, "my name is Barry Bonds and I gained 30 pounds of muscle, my face bloated like a dead body floating in the Everglades and I went from hitting 20-30 homers to 50+ homers per year I had no idea that my trainer was dosing me with steroids, HGH and every godawful drug to make me bigger, stronger, faster and hit a ball further than anyone". As Penn and Teller would say, "Bullshit".

Bonds should be suspended and his homeruns expunged. If there was an asterisk after Roger Maris' name in the record books, his should have a huge syringe full of steroid after it, assuming he is able to hit 756.

And I bet the cheating continues. Look at the Texas Rangers. You don't grow those kinds of bodies, especially in the heat of the Texas sun playing 162 games a year without taking something to augment what God give ya. The Rangers, to me, are just one of the teams I can point to that I would put money on that the continue to cheat, probably with HGH.

Now my A's, look at those pathetic bodies. Ain't no HGH there, nor steroids coursing through those bad bodies, as far as I can tell. Maybe some beer. I like bad bodies, got one myself. No question Bonds has maybe the quickest bat ever, at least as far back as we can remember. He probably would have hit a lot of those homers without the steroids...Which makes his transgressions all the more unforgivable. At the end of the day, I hope he gets his. But I tell you one thing. I wish Congress would spend their time reining in the Bushter, figuring out a plan for Iraq (including figuring out the best way to depart), investigating illegal wiretapping, financial record searchers, vote buying, illegal voter fraud, etc. instead of spending their time investigating the obvious and doing what...slapping someone's wrist. Pull MLB's anti-trust exemption to punish them, but quit wasting the taxpayers' money on this.

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